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教师姓名:罗凯 Kai Luo
出生日期:1990年12月 December, 1990
所在学科:动力学与控制 Dynamics and Control
职      称:助理教授/特别副研究员 Assistant Professor      
邮      箱:kailuo@bit.edu.cn
通讯版权所有:ld体育官网 - ld乐动体育官方网站ld体育官网 Beijing Institute of Technology
邮      编:100081


  2013/09–2019/03   北京理工大学 Beijing Institute of Technology

                               力学,博士 Mechanics, Ph.D.

                               导师advisor:胡海岩院士 Prof. Haiyan Hu

  2017/09–2018/09   哈佛大学 Harvard University

                               力学,博士联合培养 Mechanics, Visiting Research Scholar

                               导师advisor:锁志刚教授 Prof. Zhigang Suo

  2009/09–2013/03   北京理工大学 Beijing Institute of Technology

                               飞行器设计与工程,学士 Flight Vehicle Design and Engineering, B.E.


  2019/03至今till now    北京理工大学,助理教授/特别副研究员

                                  Beijing Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor


  软机器动力学与控制Soft Machine Dynamics and Control,空间结构动力学Space Structure Dynamics,多体系统动力学Multibody System Dynamics,软体机器人Soft Robots,高性能计算方法High Performance Computation,模型降阶Model Order Reduction





  [1] K. Luo, P. Rothemund, G. M. Whitesides, Z. Suo: Soft kink valves. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids , 131: 230–239 (2019).

  [2] K Luo, H. Y. Hu, C. Liu, Q. Tian: Model order reduction for dynamic simulation of a flexible multibody system via absolute nodal coordinate formulation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 324: 573–594 (2017).

  [3] K. Luo, C. Liu, Q. Tian, H. Y. Hu: An efficient model reduction method for buckling analyses of thin shells based on IGA. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 309: 243–268 (2016).

  [4] K. Luo, C. Liu, Q. Tian, H. Y. Hu: Nonlinear static and dynamic analysis of hyper-elastic thin shells via the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. Nonlinear Dynamics , 85(2): 949–971 (2016).

  [5] K. Luo, C. Liu, Q. Tian, H. Y. Hu: Post-buckling analysis based on isogeometric analysis. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computational Methods , Auckland, New Zealand (2015).

  [6] K. Luo, C. Liu, Q. Tian, H. Y. Hu: Hyper-elastic thin shells based on ANCF for flexible multibody dynamics. In Proceedings of 8th Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics , Kanazawa, Japan (2016).

  [7] K. Luo, C. Liu, Q. Tian, H. Y. Hu: Model Order Reduction of Flexible Multibody Systems Described by the ANCF. In Proceedings of 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics , Montreal, Canada (2016).

  [8] K. Luo, H. Y. Hu, C. Liu, Q. Tian: Model order reduction for dynamic simulation of a flexible multibody system via absolute nodal coordinate formulation. In Proceedings of 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics , Prague, Czech (2017).

  [9] 常汉江, 王碧, 罗凯, 田强, 胡海岩: 模块化桁架索网天线找形与展开动力学研究. 深空探测学报 , 4(4): 325–332 (2017).

  [10] 赵将, 肖勇, 李洋, 杨军刚, 罗凯: 高收纳比环形天线桁架展开方案研究. 空间电子技术 , (04): 59–65 (2017).

  [11] 罗凯, 刘铖, 田强, 胡海岩: 一种月球探测器软着陆过程的多体动力学研究. 中国力学大会 , 西安 (2013).

  [12] 罗凯, 刘铖, 田强, 胡海岩, 肖勇, 宋燕平: 一种超大口径环形桁架可展开天线的展开动力学研究. “ 可展开空间结构 ” 学术会议 , 西安 (2014).