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职      称:教授      
邮      箱:ruizhu@bit.edu.cn
邮      编:100081


  2008—2013 美国阿肯色大学(University of Arkansas)小石城分校    机械工程     博士

  2006—2008 北京理工大学    固体力学   硕士

  2002—2006 北京理工大学   工程力学   学士


  2017—至今   北京理工大学ld体育官网力学系  教授

  2016—2017  美国华盛顿大学(University of Washington)航空航天系   Research  Associate

  2015—2016  美国密苏里大学(University of Missouri)机械与航空工程系  PostDoc

  2014—2015  美国北卡罗莱纳大学(North Carolina State University)机械与航空工程系PostDoc

  2013             美国阿肯色大学(University of Arkansas)小石城分校   Instructor




  多次担任国际专业期刊审稿人,审稿杂志包括:《Scientific Reports》,《Ultrasonics》,《Physics Letter A》, 《Wave Motion》, 《ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics》, 《ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems》, 《Sensors》等。


  SYEN 3372: Engineering Materials 美国阿肯色大学小石城分校


  [1]. R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, C. T. Sun and G. L. Huang (2014), “Negative refraction of elastic waves at the deep subwavelength scale in a single-phase metamaterial”, Nature Communications ,5: 5510.   

  [2]. R. Zhu, Y. Y. Chen, Y. S. Wang, G. K. Hu and G. L. Huang (2016), “A single-phase elastic hyperbolic metamaterial with anisotropic mass density”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , accepted.

  [3]. R. Zhu, Y. Y. Chen, M. V. Barnhart, G. K. Hu, C. T. Sun and G. L. Huang (2016), “Experimental study of an adaptive elastic metamaterial controlled by electric circuits”, Applied Physics Letters , 108, 011905.

  [4]. Y. Y. Chen, R. Zhu, M. V. Barnhart and G. L. Huang (2016), “Enhanced flexural wave sensing by adaptive gradient-index metamaterials”, Scientific Reports , 6, 35048.

  [5]. Q. Liu, E. Sandgren, M. V. Barnhart, R. Zhu and G. L. Huang (2015), “Photonic nanostructures design and optimization for solar cell application”, Photonics , 2, 893-905.

  [6]. R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, F. G. Yuan and G. L. Huang (2015), “Multifunctional designs of plate-type elastic metamaterial and their potential applications: a review”, invited paper, International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials , 6, 14-40.

  [7]. R. Zhu, X. N. Liu and G. L. Huang (2015), “Study of anomalous wave propagation and reflection in semi-infinite elastic metamaterials”, Wave Motion , 55: 73-83.

  [8]. R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, C. T. Sun and G. L. Huang (2014), “A chiral elastic metamaterial beam for broadband vibration suppression”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333:2759-2773.

  [9]. R. Zhu, G. L. Huang and F. G. Yuan (2013), “Fast damage imaging using the time-reversal technique in the frequency–wavenumber domain”, Smart Materials and Structures , 22:075028.

  [10]. X. Yan, R. Zhu, G. L. Huang and F. G. Yuan (2013), “Focusing guided waves using surface bonded elastic metamaterials”, Applied Physics Letters , 103:121901.

  [11]. R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G.L. Huang, H. H. Huang and C. T. Sun (2012), “Microstructural design and experimental validation of elastic metamaterial plates with anisotropic mass density”, Physical Review B , 86:144307.

  [12]. R. Zhu, G.L. Huang and G. K. Hu (2012), “Effective dynamic properties and multi-resonant design of acoustic metamaterials”, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics , 134:031006.

  [13]. A. P. Liu, R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu and G. L. Huang (2012), “Multi-displacement microstructure continuum modeling of anisotropic elastic metamaterials”, Wave Motion , 49: 411.

  [14]. R. Zhu, H. H. Huang, G. L. Huang and C. T. Sun (2011), “Microstructure continuum modeling of an elastic metamaterial”, International Journal of Engineering Science , 49:1477-1485.

  [15]. R. Zhu, G. L. Huang, H. H. Huang and C. T. Sun (2011), “Experimental and numerical study of guided wave propagation in a thin metamaterial plate”, Physics Letters A , 375:2863-2867.

  [16]. R. Zhu, G. L. Huang, H.Yoon, C. S. Smith and V. K. Varadan (2011), “Biomechanical strain analysis at the interface of brain and nanowire electrodes on a neural probe”, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine , 2:031001.

  [17]. X. Cai, R. Zhu, and G. K. Hu (2008), “Experimental study of metamaterials based on dielectric resonators and wire frame”, Metamaterials , 2: 220.


  Y. Y. Chen, R. Zhu, N. Q. Huy and G. L. Huang, “Membrane-type acoustic metamaterials: theory, design and application”, Chapter 3 in Theory and Design of Metamaterials , SPIE Press, November, 2015, ISBN: 9781628418354.