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职      称:教授      
邮      箱:hongjw@bit.edu.cn
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  2004年 ---- 2010年    清华大学航天航空学院,博士

       2007年 ---- 2008年    英国剑桥大学地球科学系,联合培养博士生

  2000年 ---- 2004年    湖南大学工程力学系,本科


  2016年 ---- 至    今        北京理工大学,教授、博士生导师

  2013年 ---- 2016年      美国橡树岭国家实验室材料技术学部,博士后

  2010年 ---- 2013年      美国罗格斯大学物理与天文学系,博士后









  担任Science, PRL, PRX, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Acta Materialia, Smart Materials and Structures, PRB, APL, JAP, Nanotechnology等20余种期刊审稿人;     

      Scientific Reports期刊编委




   (发表Science, Nature, Nature Physics, PRL等SCI论文30余篇,最新论文列表详见:http://www.jiawanghong.org/publication.html )

  1. Sangwook Lee+, Kedar Hippalgaonkar+, Fan Yang+, Jiawang Hong+ (co-first author), Changhyun Ko, Joonki Suh, Kai Liu, Kevin Wang, Jeffrey J. Urban, Xiang Zhang, Chris Dames, Sean A. Hartnoll, Olivier Delaire, Junqiao Wu, “Anomalously low electronic thermal conductivity in metallic vanadium dioxide”, Science, 355, 371 (2017)

  2. Y. Ding, B. Xiao*, G. Tang, and Jiawang Hong*, “Transport Properties and High Thermopower of SnSe2: A Full Ab-Initio Investigation”, J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 225 (2017).

  3. Hao Zhou, Yongmao Pei*, Jiawang Hong*, Daining Fang, “Analytical method to determine flexoelectric coupling coefficient at nanoscale”, Appl. Phys. Lett,108,101908(2016)

  4. Jackeline Narvaez, Sahar Saremi, Jiawang Hong, Massimiliano Stengel, Gustau Catalan, “Large flexoelectric anisotropy in paraelectric barium titanate”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 115, 037601(2015)

  5. C.W. Li+, Jiawang Hong+(co-first author), A.F. May, D. Bansal, S. Chi, T. Hong, G. Ehlers, and O. Delaire, “Orbitally-driven giant phonon anharmonicity in SnSe”, Nature Physics, in press (2015)

  6. John D. Budai+, Jiawang Hong+(co-first author), Michael E. Manley, Eliot D. Specht, Chen W. Li, Jonathan Z. Tischler, Douglas L. Abernathy, Ayman H. Said, Bogdan M. Leu, Lynn A. Boatner, Robert J. McQueeney and Olivier Delaire, “Metallization of vanadium dioxide driven by large phonon entropy”, Nature, 515, 535–539 (2014)

  7. Jiawang Hong* and David Vanderbilt,“First-principles theory and calculation of flexoelectricity”, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 174107 (2013)

  8. Jiawang Hong* and David Vanderbilt,“Electrically driven octahedral rotations in SrTiO3 and PbTiO3”, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 064104 (2013)

  9. Jiawang Hong*, Alessandro Stroppa, Jorge íñiguez, Silvia Picozzi, and David Vanderbilt, “Spin-phonon coupling effects in transition-metal perovskites:a DFT+U and hybrid-functional study,”Phys. Rev. B, 85, 054417 (2012).

  10. Jiawang Hong* and David Vanderbilt,“First-principles theory of frozen-ion flexoelectricity,” Phys. Rev. B, 84, 180101 (2011). (Rapid Communications, Editor’s Suggestion)

  11. Jiawang Hong* and David Vanderbilt, “Mapping the energy surface of PbTiO3 in multidimensional electric-displacement space,” Phys. Rev. B, 84, 115107 (2011).

  12. Jiawang Hong, G. Catalan, Daining. Fang, Emilio Artacho, and J. F. Scott, “Topology of the polarization field in ferroelectric nanowires from first principles,” Phys. Rev. B, 81, 172101 (2010). (Kaleidoscope Images)

  13. MK Singh, Jiawang Hong, NK Karan, HM Jang, RS Katiyar, SAT Redfern, and JF Scott, “New cryogenic phase transitions in SrSnO3,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 22, 095901 (2010). (Lab Talk)

  14. Jiawang Hong, G Catalan, J F Scott, and E Artacho, “The flexoelectricity of barium and strontium titanates from first principles,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 22, 112201 (2010). (Fast Track Communication,Highlights of 2010) (Lab Talk)

  15. Jiawang Hong, Daining Fang,“Systematic study of the ferroelectric properties of Pb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3 nanowires,” J. Appl. Phys., 104, 064118 (2008)

  16. Jiawang Hong, Daining Fang,“Size-dependent ferroelectric behaviors of BaTiO3 nanowires ”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 012906 (2008)