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职      称:教授      
邮      箱:liuzw@bit.edu.cnliuzw@bit.edu.cnliuzw@bit.edu.cnliuzw@bit.edu.cn
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  2001年9月---- 2005年7月   清华大学工程力学系固体力学专业,博士

  1998年9月---- 2001年7月    内蒙古工业大学力学系固体力学专业,硕士

  1994年9月---- 1998年7月    河北工程大学资源系,学士


  2014年7月---至今             北京理工大学ld体育官网,教授;

  2011年7月---  至今           北京理工大学ld体育官网,博士生导师;

  2008年7月---2014年6月    北京理工大学ld体育官网,副教授;

  2008年9月---2010年8月    英国焊接研究所(TWI)无损检测部,玛丽居里学者(Marie Curie Fellow)

  2005年7月---2008年6月     北京理工大学理学院,讲师;


  1. 微纳尺度、材料表/界面与内部三维变形测量新技术研究;高温/超高温、低温、冲击载荷等复杂环境下光测力学新技术研究;电磁式微型冲击加载与测试系统研制;液面静动态多尺度变形表征技术研究与应用;

  2. 基于热成像、涡流技术、激光干涉等的无损检测新技术研究; 涡轮发动机叶片缺陷检测技术开发。


  1. 玛丽居里学者(Marie Curie Fellow) ,2008年欧盟授予;

  2. 力学多场多尺度测试技术及设备,2008年,教育部技术发明一等奖(第4完成人);

  3. 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2012年;

  4. 基于变形载体的光学变形测试方法研究,2014,教育部自然科学二等奖(第3完成人);

  5. 研教结合提升学生创新能力的力学教学模式,2012年,北京市教育教学成果二等奖(第5完成人)。


  1. 《实验力学》期刊编委;北京力学会实验力学专委会副主任委员;中国力学学会实验力学专业委员会空天与武器装备测试组组员;曾任中国力学学会微纳米力学组青年组委员;

  2. 中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会高级会员;

  3. 国际期刊《Experimental Mechanics》等10余个SCI检索期刊的审稿人。






  (1)戴福隆,沈观林,谢惠民、何小元,何存富,刘战伟 编著,《实验力学》,研究生教材,清华大学出版社,2010。




  [1] Huihui Wen, Hongye Zhang, Zhanwei Liu,* Chao Liu,* Shuman Liu, Xinan Yang,Fengqi Liu and Huimin Xie*,Quantitative evaluation of the interface lattice quality of a strain superlattice by strain analysis, Nanoscale , 2018,10(37): 17413–18082 (封面文章)

  [2] Huihui Wen, Hongye Zhang, Zhanwei Liu*, Chao Liu*, Shuman Liu, Xinan Yang, Fengqi Liu, and Huimin Xie*, Stress mapping of a strain superlattice using scanning moiré fringe imaging, Applied Physics Letters , 113, 031905 (2018)

  [3] Jiao DC, Liu ZW*, Shi WX, Xie HM, Temperature fringe method with phase-shift for the 3D shape measurement, Optics and Lasers in Engineering , (Published Online)

  [4] Jiao DC, Liu ZW*, Shi WX, Xie HM, Exact Localization of Debonding Defects in Thermal Barrier Coatings, AIAA JOURNAL ,2018,56(9):3691-3700;

  [5]Wenying Zhu, Zhanwei Liu*,Dacheng Jiao,Huimin Xie*, Eddy Current Thermography with Adaptive Carrier Algorithm for Non-destructive Testing of Debonding Defects in Thermal Barrier Coatings, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation (2018) 37:31

  [6]Yanyan Yin, Rui Qi, Hongye Zhang, Shangbin Xi, Yingbin Zhu, Zhanwei Liu*, Microstructure design to improve the efficiency of thermal barrier coatings, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters 8 (2018) 1-6

  [7]Dacheng Jiao,Wenxiong Shi, Zhanwei Liu*, Huimin Xie*, Laser Multi-mode Scanning Thermography Method for Fast Inspection of Micro-cracks in TBCs Surface, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation (2018) 37:30

  [8] Yue Hou, Hongye Zhang, Jiaye Zhao, Jian He, Hao Qi, Zhanwei Liu*, Baoqiao Guo*, Camera lens distortion evaluation and correction technique based on a colour CCD moiré method,Optics and Lasers in Engineering 110 (2018) 211–219;

  [9] Jiaye Zhao, Huihui Wen, Zhanwei Liu*, Jili Rong and Huimin Xie,Single-Camera Displacement Field Correlation Method for Centrosymmetric 3D Dynamic Deformation Measurement,Measurement Science and Technology,29 (2018) 055401

  [10]Dong J, Liu ZW*, Gao JX. 3D deformation measurement of soft material under indentation using improved diffraction-assisted image correlation, Experimental Mechanics, (2018) 58:87–98;

  [11] Jiao DC, Liu ZW, Shi WX*, Xie HM, Linear laser fast scanning thermography NDT for artificial disbond defects in thermal barrier coatings, Optics Express, 2017,25:31790-31801;

  [12]Zhang HY, Wen HH, Liu ZW*, Zhan Q, Xie HM*. TEM nano-Moiré evaluation for invisible lattice structure near grain interface, Nanoscale,2017, 9: 15923–15933;

  [13]Wen HH, Liu ZW*, Li CW, He X, Rong JL, Huang XF, Xie HM*., Centrosymmetric 3D Deformation Measurement using Grid Method with a Single-Camera, Experimental Mechanics, 2017,57:537–546

  [14] Dong J, Liu ZW*, Gao JX. Multi-Parameter Inversion and Thermo-Mechanical Deformation Decoupling using I-DIC, Experimental Mechanics, 2017, 57(1): 31-39 ,

  [15]Tang HY, Dong HM, Liu ZW*. Study on dynamic deformation synchronized measurement technology of double-layer liquid surfaces, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 98 (2017) 205–21;

  [16]Q. Zhang, Z. Liu*, H. Xie*, K. Ma, and L. Wu, Fabrication of thermal-resistant gratings for high-temperature measurements using geometric phase analysis, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 87, 123104 (2016);

  [17]Zhang HY,Liu ZW*, Wen HH, Xie HM*,C Liu, Subset geometric phase analysis method for deformation evaluation of HRTEM images, Ultramicroscopy, 171:34-42; 2016

  [18]Liu SL, Liu ZW*, et al. Double transmission-mediums based geometric phase analysis for determining the two surface profiles of transparent object. Optics and Lasers in engineering,80:17-23, 2016

  [19]Liu ZW*, Zhang HY,Xie HM,Shear Band Evolution in Polymer Bonded Explosives Subjected to Punch Loading, Strain, 52: 459–466; 2016.

  [20]Yang Y, Liu ZW*, Shi WX. Accurate Measurement of Nonlinear Liquid Sloshing, AIAA JOURNAL,53(3):771-779;2015

  [21] Liu ZW*, Guo J, Shi WX, Huang XF, Xie HM, Transmission-speckle correlation for measuring dynamic deformation of liquid surface, Optics and Lasers in engineering,65:110-116, 2015

  [22] Li CW, Liu ZW*, Xie HM*, et al. Statistics-based electron moiré technique: a novel method applied to the characterization of mesoporous structures. Nanoscale, 2014, 6(22):13409-13415.

  [23]Li CW, Liu ZW, Xie H*. Novel scanning electron microscope bulge test technique integrated with loading function. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2014, 85(10):103709.

  [24] Shi WX, Huang XF, Liu ZW*, Transmission-lattice based geometric phase analysis for evaluating the dynamic deformation of a liquid surface, Optics Express 22(9):10559;2014

  [25] Chen XM, Liu ZW*, He G, and Xie HM, A novel integrated tension-compression design for a mini split Hopkinson bar apparatus, Review of Scientific Instruments 85: 035114; 2014

  [26] Liu ZW*, Chen XM, Lv Xintao, Xie HM, A mini desktop impact test system using multistage electromagnetic launch, Measurement, 49: 68-76; 2014

  [27]Zhang HY, Wu CL, Liu ZW*, Xie HM, A Curved Surface Micro-Moiré method and its application in evaluating curved surface residual stress, Measurement Science and Technology. 25:095002; 2014

  [28]Liu S, Liu ZW*, Shi WX, A Source for the Excellent Floating Ability of a Water Strider, Chinese Physics  Letters, 31(10):106801; 2014

  [29]Huang XF,Liu ZW*, Xie HM*, Recent progress in residual stress measurement techniques, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,26(6),2013,570-583

  [30] Li CW, Liu ZW, Xie HM*, et al. Novel 3D SEM Moiré method for micro height measurement. Optics Express, 2013, 21(13): 15734-15746;



  [2] 刘战伟、董杰、刘爽、等, 基于微小负阶跃力的微力传感器动态标定系统及方法,发明专利授权号2015107943650;

  [3] 刘战伟、董杰、高建新、谢惠民,一种基于仿射变换最佳匹配图像的热力参数识别方法, 发明专利授权号201510778335.0;

  [4]刘战伟、石文雄、朱文颖、谢惠民,“适用于TBC脱粘缺陷快速检测的线激光扫描热波成像方法” 发明专利授权号201510794804.8;

  [5]刘战伟, 杨洋, 石文雄, “贮箱液体推进剂液面形貌与剂量动态测量方法和系统”,专利号: ZL201410212018.8. 12、


  [7]刘战伟, 杨洋, 田强, 赵尔强, “实时监测柔性绳索载荷和温度的梭形传感器”,专利号: ZL201310516280.7.

  [8]刘战伟, 杨洋, 田强, 赵尔强, “基于FBG的柔性绳索载荷和温度同时测量传感器”,专利号: ZL201310516293.4.




  [12] 刘战伟、陈喜民、吕新涛,“磁阻式拉压一体化微型霍普金森杆装置”,专利号:ZL201210367229.X

  [13] 邓智、刘战伟、黄先富,“一种小型自对心单向加载双轴拉压试验装置”,专利号:ZL201210442034.7


  [15]刘战伟、王一沛、等,微型试件冲击加载与动态力学性能测量系统及方法,发明专利号: ZL201010608781.4      

  [16]方岱宁、刘战伟、裴永茂、谢惠民、戴福隆,“力电耦合加载全场变形测量系统” 发明专利号: ZL 200610113113.8

  [17]刘战伟, 杨洋,石文雄, 黄先富, “贮箱液体推进剂液面形貌与剂量计算程序软件V1.0”, 软件著作权, 登记号: 2014SR096795.

  [18]刘战伟,张宏业,谢惠民,多模式几何相位分析程序(MGPA V1.0),软件著作权,登记号:2016SR002811

  [19] 刘战伟,董杰,高建新,基于图像恢复的热力多参数同时识别程序软件(TPB-IDIC V1.0),软件著作权,登记号:2016SR002756

  [20] 刘战伟,刘淑丽,“双液面动态变形计算程序软件”,证书号:1231728,登记号:2016SR053109;