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职      称:教授      
邮      箱:huobo@bit.edu.cn
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  1989年9月----1993年7月    北京航空航天大学固体力学专业,本科

  1993年9月----1996年3月    北京航空航天大学固体力学专业,硕士

  1996年3月----2000年1月    清华大学固体力学专业,博士


  2000年5月----2002年4月    清华大学材料科学与工程系,博士后

  2002年7月----2012年4月    中国科学院力学研究所,副研究员

  2006年5月----2008年5月    美国哥伦比亚大学生物医学工程系,博士后

  2012年5月至今            北京理工大学ld体育官网力学系,教授

  2018年1月至今            北京理工大学ld体育官网力学系,系主任


  1. 细胞力学:面向人体生长发育机制、组织工程应用,阐明(干)细胞对其周围力学环境的感受和传递规律,通过实验与理论结合的方法研究相关力学信号转导途径和细胞内生物分子输运的动力学规律。

  2. 骨力学:以宇航员的骨流失和人体骨质疏松等骨科疾病为应用背景,从组织/细胞/分子等不同尺度解释力致骨重建的机制,侧重研究细胞的力学-生物学耦合、细胞-细胞和细胞-基质的相互作用规律。

  3. 运动生物力学:针对运动员体育科研训练方法、微重力下航天员生理异常的对抗措施、口腔和骨科的临床康复技术等需求,建立考虑人体生理参数的骨骼、肌肉、呼吸、循环系统的生物力学模型,结合人体动力学模拟方法,发展相关技术和装备。



  1. 委员(2005-),北京生物医学工程学会生物力学专业委员会

  2. 委员(2007-),中国力学学会第7届固体力学专业委员会生物材料及仿生专业组

  3. 会员(2008-),国际华人骨研学会(International Chinese Musculoskeletal Society,ICMRS)

  4. 会员(2008-),中国力学学会

  5. 会员(2012-),中国生物物理学会

  6. 科技部国家重点研发计划(国际科技合作)指南编制专家(2015-2017)



  1. 本科生《结构力学》、《材料与结构力学》

  2. 硕士生《生物力学与工程》

  3. 博士生《现代生物力学》




  2.霍波,王淑容,高颜,2018. 破骨细胞的力学生物学(章节). 骨与关节生物力学,主编:张西正、汤亭亭. 生物力学研究前沿系列,总主编:姜宗来、樊瑜波.上海交通大学出版社,上海.

  3.霍波,赵杨,李晓婷,2018. 骨组织细胞细胞力学与信号转导(章节). 细胞-分子生物力学,主编:龙勉、季葆华. 生物力学研究前沿系列,总主编:姜宗来、樊瑜波. 上海交通大学出版社,上海.

  4.霍波,2012. 分子-细胞生物力学(章节). “未来10年中国学科发展战略---生物医学工程学”---国家自然科学基金委员会生命科学部. 科学出版社,北京.

  5.龙勉,孙树津,霍波,2010.空间生物技术(第八章).《微重力科学导论》.胡文瑞主编. 科学出版社,北京.

  6.Huo B, Lu XL, Guo XE, 2009. Fluid Flow Induced Calcium Response in Bone Cell Network. In Tributes to Yuan-Cheng Fung on His 90th Birthday---From Molecules to Man. Edited by Shu Chien, Peter C-Y Chen, Geert W Schmid-Schönbein, Pin Tong, & Savio L-Y Woo. World Scientific Publishing Co.

  7.Long M., Sun SJ, Huo B, Shu NJ, Tao ZL, Gao YX, 2007. Biomechanics on cell responses to microgravity. In Advances in Microgravity Sciences, Hu W.R., Eds., Signpost Press.



  1.Ping Li*, Xueyan Bian, Chenglin Liu, Shurong Wang, Mengmeng Guo, Yingjie Tao, Bo Huo*,2018. STIM1 and TRPV4 Regulate Fluid Flow-Induced Calcium Oscillation at Early and Late Stages of Osteoclast Differentiation. Cell Calcium, 71:45-52.

  2.陈泽彬,霍波,2017. 骨内液体流动生物力学的研究进展. 生物医学工程学杂志, 34(2) :308-313.

  3.Lu W, Li HJ, Huo B, Meng ZH, Xue M, Qiu LL, Ma SP, Yan ZQ, Piao CM, Ma XQ, 2016. Full-color mechanical sensor based on elastic nanocomposite hydrogels encapsulated three-dimensional colloidal arrays. Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical, 234:527-533.

  4.Liu CL, He SJ, Li XJ, Huo B*, Ji BH*, 2016. Mechanics of Cell Mechanosensing on Patterned Substrate. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 83(5): 051014.

  5.霍波*,白雪,2015. 骨结构重建的细胞力学研究进展. 世界复合医学,1(3):272-276.

  6.He SJ, Liu CL, Li XJ, Ma SP, Huo B*, Ji BH*, 2015. Dissecting Collective Cell Behavior in Polarization and Alignment on Micropatterned Substrates. Biophysical Journal, 109(3): 489-500. (Cover figure)

  7.Li SN, Zhang HJ, Li SN, Yang YQ, Huo B*, Zhang D*, 2015. Connexin 43 and ERK Regulate Tension-Induced Signal Transduction in Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 33(7): 1008-1014.

  8.Wei C, Fan BY, Chen DY, Liu C, Wei YC, Huo B, You LD, Wang JB, Chen J*, 2015. Osteocyte Culture in Microfluidic Devices. Biomicrofluidics, 9(1):014109.

  9.李淑娜, 霍波*, 2015. 细胞中钙离子指示剂的光致荧光增强. 医用生物力学, 30(4): 291-298.

  10.Liu CL, Li SN, Ji BH*, Huo B*, 2015. Flow-induced Migration of Osteoclasts and Regulations of Calcium Signaling Pathways. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 8(1):213-223.

  11.Wan XJ, Zha HC, Zhang P, Huo B, Shen BR, Yan ZQ, Qi YX*, Jiang ZL, 2015. Involvement of BK channel in differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells induced by mechanical stretch. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 59:21-29.

  12.Zhang QY, Zhang YY, Xie J, Li CX, Chen WY, Liu BL, Wu XA, Li SN, Huo B, Jiang LH, Zhao HC*, 2014. Stiff substrates enhance cultured neuronal network activity. Scientific Reports, 4:6215.

  13.Li P, Liu CL, Hu M, Long M, Zhang D, Huo B*, 2014. Fluid Flow-Induced Calcium Response in Osteoclasts: Signaling Pathways. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 42(6):1250-1260.

  14.Lv DY, Li Z, Gao YX, Huo B, Chen J, Sun SJ, Long M*, 2013. Asymmetric migration of human keratinocytes under mechanical stretch and cocultured fibroblasts in a wound repair model. Plos One, 8(9): e74563.

  15.Fu RR, Liu QL, Song GB, Baik A, Hu M, Sun SJ, Guo EX, Long M*, Huo B*, 2013. Spreading area and shape regulate apoptosis and differentiation of osteoblasts. Biomedial Materials, 8:5:055005.

  16.Ji B*, Huo B*, 2013. Probing the mechanosensitivity in cell adhesion and migration: experiments and modeling. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 29(4): 469-484.

  17.Li XT, Liu CL, Li P, Li SN, Zhao ZH, Chen YX, Huo B*, Zhang D*, 2013. Connexin 43 is a potential regulator in fluid shear stress-induced signal transduction in osteocytes. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 31(12): 1959-1965.

  18.Lu XL, Huo B, Park M, Guo XE*, 2012. Calcium response in osteocytic networks under steady and oscillatory fluid flow. Bone, 51(3):466-473.

  19.霍波*,付瑞荣,梁晨,刁俊,陶祖莱. 基于个体生理监护信息的呼吸力学模型, 2012. 医用生物力学,27(4):409-415.

  20.Li P, Hu M, Sun SJ, Zhang Y, Gao YX, Long M, Huo B*, Zhang D*, 2012. Flow Shear Induced-Calcium Response in Early or Late Differentiated Osteoclasts. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 40(9):1874-1883. (Cover Figure)

  21.Huo B*, Fu RR, 2012. Recent Advances in Theoretical Models of Respiratory Mechanics. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28(1):1-7.

  22.Kang YY, Lv SQ, Ren P, Huo B*, Long M*, 2012. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Shear- and Stretch-Induced Dissociation of P-Selectin/PSGL-1 Complex. Biophysical Journal, 102:112-120.

  23.Lu XL, Huo B, Chiang V, Guo EX*, 2012. Osteocytic Network Is More Responsive in Calcium Signaling than Osteoblastic Network under Fluid Flow. Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 27(3):563-574.

  24.胡漫,李平,高宇欣,吕东媛,孙树津,龙勉,郭向东,霍波*,2011. 流体剪切力作用下无间隙连接成骨细胞阵列内的钙响应. 医用生物力学, 26(5):402-407.

  25.霍波*,康英永,胡漫,李平, 2011. 成骨细胞力致钙响应和钙传递的研究进展. 医用生物力学, 26(4):291-297.

  26.Cui YH, Huo B, Sun SJ, Yang F, Gao YX, Pan J, Long M*, 2011. Fluid Dynamics Analysis of a Novel Micropatterned Cell Bioreactor. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 39(5): 1592-1605.

  27.Huang T, Long M, Huo B*, 2010. Competitive Binding to Cuprous Ions of Protein and BCA in the Bicinchoninic Acid Protein Assay. The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal, 4:271-278.

  28.Baik AD, Lu XL, Qiu J, Huo B, Hillman EMC, Dong C, Guo XE*, 2010. Quasi-3D Cytoskeletal Dynamics of Osteocytes under Fluid Flow. Biophysical Journal, 99(9): 2812-2820.

  29.Wan LQ, Kang SM, Eng G, Grayson WL, Lu XL, Huo B, Gimble J, Guo XE, Mow VC, Vunjak-Novakovic G*, 2010. Geometric Control of Human Stem Cell Morphology and Differentiation. Integrative Biology, 2(7-8): 346-353.

  30.Huo B*, Ren P, 2010. Concentration-induced Molecular Structural Transition of Regenerated Silk Protein Gel Solution. International Journal of Polymers and Technologies, 2(1): 23-28.

  31.Huo B, Lu XL, Hung CT, Costa KD, Xu Q, Guo XE*, 2010. An ATP-Dependent Mechanism Mediates Intercellular Calcium Signaling in Bone Cell Network under Single Cell Nanoindentation. Cell Calcium, 47:234-241.

  32.Huo B, Lu XL, Guo XE*, 2010. Intracellular Calcium Wave Propagation in Linear and Looped Bone Cell Network under AFM Stimulation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 368: 617-633.

  33.Chan ME, LU XL, Huo B, Baik AD, Chiang V, Guldberg RE, Lu HH, Guo XE*, 2009. A Trabecular Bone Explant Model of Osteocyte–Osteoblast Co-Culture for Bone Mechanobiology. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2(3):405-415.

  34.Sun GY, Zhang Y, Huo B, Long M*, 2009. Parametric Analysis for Monitoring 2D Kinetics of Receptor–Ligand Binding. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2(4): 495-503.

  35.Sun GY, Zhang Y, Huo B, Long M*, 2009. Surface-bound selectin-ligand binding is regulated by carrier diffusion. European Biophysics Journal, 38:701-711.

  36.Huo B, Lu XL, Hung CT, Costa KD, Xu Q, Whitesides GM, Guo XE*, 2008. Fluid flow induced calcium response in bone cell network. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 1: 58-66. (Cover Figure)

  37.Huang T, Ren P, Huo B*, 2007. Atomic force microscopy observations of the topography of regenerated silk fibroin aggregations. Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences, 106: 4054-4059.

  38.Huo B*, 2005. An inhomogeneous and anisotropic constitutive model of human dentin. Journal of Biomechanics, 38:587-594.

  39.霍波, 翟勇, 崔福斋*, 2002. 蚕丝中蛋白构象含量与其力学性质间的关系. 高分子学报, n3, 261-264.

  40.Huo B, Zheng QS*, 2002. Effect of dentin tubules on the mechanical properties of dentin. Part III: Numerical verification. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 18(6): 629-637.

  41.Huo B, Zheng QS*, Zhang Q, Wang JD, 2000. Effect of dentin tubules on the mechanical properties of dentin. Part II: Experimental study. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 16(1): 75-82.

  42.Huo B, Zheng QS*, 1999. Effect of dentin tubules on the mechanical properties of dentin. Part I: Stress-strain relations and strength criterion. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 15(4): 355-364.

  43.Huo B, Zheng QS*, Huang Y, 1999. A note on the effect of surface energy and void size to void growth and cavitation instability. European Journal of Mechanics, 18: 987-994.