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职      称:副教授 、博士生导师      
邮      箱:liuliu@bit.edu.cn
通讯版权所有:ld体育官网 - ld乐动体育官方网站宇航大楼206
邮      编:100081


  2001.8 ~  2006.8:美国佐治亚理工学院,航空与宇航工程专业,博士

  1998.8 ~  2001.4:北京航空航天大学,航空发动机专业,硕士

  1994.8 ~  1998.4:北京航空航天大学,航空发动机专业,学士


  2006  ~  2008:美国密歇根大学,材料科学与工程,博士后

  2009  ~  2010:北京科技大学,国家材料服役安全科学中心,副研究员

  2010  ~  至今:北京理工大学,ld体育官网力学系,副教授


  1.   典型热防护系统材料的本构和损伤演化行为的实验研究
  2.   极端环境下热防护系统结构的动力学行为研究和动强度评价


  1. 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划

  2. 荣获XX科技重大专项年度先进个人三等奖

  3. 荣获北京理工大学教学基本功二等奖

  4. 荣获北京理工大学“十二五”科技工作先进个人称号

  5. 2017年中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖




  1、讲授本科生课程《材料力学(全英文)》、《结构力学》、《航空航天工程材料》、《材料与结构力学核心贯通课(I、II) 》,研究生课程《复合材料力学(全英文)》

  2、 指导研究生12人


  1. Liu Liu, Bing-Yang Lv, Yong-Shan Li, 2016, “Dynamic response of acoustically excited plates resting on elastic foundations in thermal environments,” Composite Structures , 156, pp.  35–46.

  2. Tiren He, Liu Liu, Andrew Makeev, Brian Shonkwiler, 2016, “Characterization of stress–strain behavior of composites using digital image correlation and finite element analysis,” Composite Structures , 140, pp.  84–93.

  3. Liu Liu, Bingyang Lv, Tiren He, 2015, “The stochastic dynamic snap-through response of thermally buckled composite panels,” Composite Structures , 131, pp.  344–355.

  4. Paige Carpentier, Andrew Makeev, Liu Liu, and Brian Shonkwiler, 2015, “An Improved Short-Beam Method for Measuring Multiple Constitutive Properties for Composites,” Journal of Testing and Evaluation , 44(1), pp.  1–14.

  5. Liu Liu, Qiong Guo and Tiren He, 2014, “Thermal-Acoustic Fatigue of a Multilayer Thermal Protection System in Combined Extreme Environments,” Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 176891, pp 1- 18 .

  6. John W Holmes, Liu Liu, Bent F Sørensen and Søren Wahlgren, 2014, “Experimental approach for mixed-mode fatigue delamination crack growth with large-scale bridging in polymer composites, ” Journal of Composite Materials,  48(25), pp3111-3128.

  7. C.-w. Lee, L. Liu and J. W. Holmes, 2013, “Development of a fatigue crack growth testing apparatus and its application to thin titanium foil,” Fatigue Fract Engng Mater Struct , 36, pp1187-1198.

  8. L. Liu, N.S. Husseini, C.J. Torbet, W.-K. Lee, R. Clarke, J.W. Jones and T.M. Pollock, 2011, “In situ synchrotron X-ray imaging of high-cycle fatigue crack propagation in single-crystal nickel-base alloys,” Acta Materialia, 59(13), pp.5103-5115.

  9. L Liu, J W Holmes, G A Kardomateas and V Birman, 2011, “Compressive Response of Composites Under Combined Fire and Compression Loading,” Fire Technology , 47, pp.985-1016.

  10.Liu Liu, Jian Ren, Ti-Ren He, Georgia Kardomateas, 2018, Nonlinear dynamic response of acoustically excited and thermally loaded composite plates resting on elastic foundations, International Journal of Solids and Structures , ISSN 0020-7683,


  11.Tiren He, Liu Liu, Andrew Makeev, 2018, Uncertainty analysis in composite material properties characterization using digital image correlation and finite element model updating, Composite Structures, 184, 337-351, ISSN 0263-8223,
