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职      称:教授      
邮      箱:jianqiao@bit.edu.cn
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1990年9月---- 1994年7月    北京理工大学,飞行器工程系,本科
1994年9月---- 1997年2月    北京理工大学,飞行器工程系,硕士
2002年9月---- 2007年3月    北京理工大学,ld体育官网,博士


2011年7月------至今,          北京理工大学ld体育官网,教授


1.    飞行器总体设计;
2.    飞行力学与控制;


1.    战术导弹总体综合设计分析系统,1999年,部级二等奖,第2完成人
2.    XX导弹技术研究,2001年,部级二等奖,第2完成人


1.    中国宇航学会飞行器总体专业委员会委员;
2.    中国宇航学会无人飞行器分会理事


1.    本科生《飞行器系统分析与设计》;
2.    研究生《飞行器总体分析与设计》;


1. 王林林,于剑桥,王亚飞,苏晓龙. 单滑块变质心非对称再入飞行器建模及控制. 系统工程与电子技术. 录用. 2014.
2. Guanchen Luo, Jianqiao Yu, Siyu Zhang and Yuesong Mei. UAV path planning in mixed-obstacle environment via artificial potential field method improved by additional control force. Asian Journal of Control. Accept. 2014.
3. Shengqing Yang and Jianqiao Yu. Motion Planning of UAV Group Using Modified Gyroscopic Force for Guidance and Avoidance. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology. Accept. 2014.
4. Yafei Wang, Jianqiao Yu, Xiaolong Su and Linlin Wang. Research on dynamic stability rotational speed range of rolling flight vehicles with different characteristics. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology. Accept. 2014.
5. Huadong Sun, Jianqiao Yu, Yuesong Mei. Numerical investigation of static and dynamic aerodynamic characteristics for a guided projectile with fin slot. Advanced Materials Research. Vols. 998-999. 442-445. 2014.
6. Yongbo Chen, Jianqiao Yu, Xiaolong Su and Guanchen Luo. Path Planning for Multi-UAV Formation. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. DOI: 10.1007/s10846-014-0077-y. 1-18. 2014.
7. Yongbo Chen, Guanchen Luo, Yuesong Mei, Jianqiao Yu and Xiaolong Su. UAV path planning using artificial potential field method updated by optimal control theory. International Journal of Systems Science. DOI:10.1080/00207721.2014.929191. 1-14. 2014.
8. Shengqing Yang and Jianqiao Yu. Stability Analysis and Variational Integrator for Real-Time Formation Based on Potential Field. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Vol. 2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/602424. 1-13. 2014.
9. Qibo Deng, Jianqiao Yu, and Yuesong Mei. Deadlock-Free Consecutive Task Assignment of Multiple Heterogeneous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Journal of Aircraft. Vol.51 No.2. 596-605. 2014.
10. Qibo Deng , Jianqiao Yu and Ningfei Wang. Cooperative task assignment of multiple heterogeneous unmanned aerial vehicles using a modified genetic algorithm with multi-type genes. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. Vol. 26. No. 5. 1238-1250. 2013.
11. Yuesong Mei, JianqiaoYu, Tianpeng Yu and Jingxu Li. Determining the characteristics of the initial fixed-focus of laser beam riding guidance information field. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, Vol. 22,No. 1. 6-11. 2013.
12. 于剑桥,方正,胡文斌. 基于状态预测的脉冲控制算法研究. 北京理工大学学报,32卷1期,42-46,2012.
13. Jianqiao Yu, Guanchen Luo and Yuesong Mei. Surface-to-air Missile Autopilot Design Using LQG/LTR Gain Scheduling Method. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. Vol. 24. No. 3. 279-286. 2011.
14. 梅跃松,于剑桥,周亮,孟宏志,张伟. 基于微分进化算法的导弹起飞质量优化设计. 北京理工大学学报,31卷11期,1270-1272,2011.
15. Jianqiao Yu, Yuesong Mei and Chao Han. Trajectory design and simulation in injection phase for hyper-velocity kinetic energy missile. Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology.Vol. 20. No.1. 18-22. 2011.
16. 梅跃松, 于剑桥, 陈曦. 移动背景下的运动目标跟踪,红外与激光工程,40卷4期, 757-761, 2011.
17. 于剑桥, 梅跃松, 孟宏志. 鸭式气动布局单通道控制滚转导弹转速设计. 弹道学报. 22卷2期, 32-34, 2010.
18. Jianqiao Yu, Guanchen Luo, and Wentao Yin. Missile robust gain scheduling autopilot design using full block multipliers. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS. Vol. 21. No. 5. 883-891. 2010.
19. 于剑桥, 文仲辉, 许承东. 采用D-K-D迭代算法设计导弹增益调度自动驾驶仪. 控制理论与应用. 26卷8期. 855-859. 2009.
20. 陈罗婧, 刘莉, 于剑桥. 三点法导引导弹初始段弧形弹道优化设计及实现. 弹道学报. 21卷2期. 65-69. 2009.
21. 于剑桥, 胡国怀, 别炎华. 采用函数替换方法建立导弹准线性化模型. 北京理工大学学报. 29卷5期. 390-393. 2009.
22. 于剑桥, 林凡, 方正. 自激振荡线性化舵机延迟补偿时间处理方法研究. 兵工学报. 30卷5期. 652-656. 2009.
23. 于剑桥, 罗冠辰, 文仲辉. 基于准线性化模型设计导弹H_∞增益调度自动驾驶仪. 控制理论与应用. 26卷4期. 451-454. 2009.
24. 于剑桥. 建立基于准线性化模型的地空导弹线性分式变换模型. 弹道学报. 21卷1期. 47-50. 2009. 
25. 于剑桥, 别炎华. 滚转导弹动态失稳的机理分析. 弹道学报. 20卷2期. 24-26. 2008.
26. 于剑桥, 罗冠辰. 求解广义特征值问题设计导弹H-∞增益调度自动驾驶仪. 宇航学报. 29卷3期. 957-961. 2008.
27. 陈罗婧, 刘莉, 于剑桥. 双通道控制旋转导弹自动驾驶仪解耦控制研究. 北京理工大学学报. 28卷1期. 11-14. 2008.
28. 陈罗婧, 刘莉, 于剑桥. 双通道控制旋转导弹自动驾驶仪回路的数学变换及其耦合性分析. 北京理工大学学报. 27卷10期. 847-850. 2007.
29. 于剑桥, 刘莉, 靳东亚, 许承东. 导弹线性分式变换模型及其在H_∞增益调度自动驾驶仪设计中的应用. 兵工学报.28卷07期. 844-848. 2007.

1. Xiaolin Ai, Jianqiao Yu and Shengqing Yang. Optimization of Signal Timing Schedule of Traffic Network Based on CTM. Proceedings of the 33nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC). Accept. 2014.
2. Huchao Jiang, Yuesong Mei, Jianqiao Yu, Jingxu Li and Xi Chen. Trajectory Optimization Design of the Trajectory about Gun-Launched Missile Based on SQP. Proceedings of the 33nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC). Accept. 2014.
3. Yongxuan Han, Jianqiao Yu, Yuesong Mei and Bin Dai. Roll angle measurement system of guided projectile based on scanning laser beam. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference. 5059-5064. 2013.
4. Yongxuan Han, Yuesong Mei, Jianqiao Yu and Bin Dai. The application of integral filter in guided projectile to determine the initial roll angle. Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC). 5111-5115. 2013.
5. Shengqing Yang, Jianqiao Yu and Siyu Zhang. Cooperative search of autonomous vehicles for unknown targets. 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy, 3-9. 2012.
6. Guanchen Luo, Jianqiao Yu, Siyu Zhang and Wei Zhang. Artificial Potential Field based Receding Horizon Control for path planning. 2012 24th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC). 3665-3369, 2012.
7. Guanchen Luo, Jianqiao Yu, Siyu Zhang. Robust regional stability: Sufficient and necessary conditions, 2011 23rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2011), 1415-1418, 2011.
8. Yuesong Mei and Jianqiao Yu. An algorithm for automatic extraction of moving object in the image guidance. 2010 International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application, ISDEA 2010, 226-230, 2010.