职 称:副教授
邮 箱:zhusy@bit.edu.cn
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职 称:副教授
邮 箱:zhusy@bit.edu.cn
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2000年09月---- 2004年07月 哈尔滨工业大学 自动化专业 本科2004年09月---- 2009年10月 哈尔滨工业大学 飞行器设计专业 博士
2009年10月---- 2011年11月 北京理工大学 航空宇航科学与技术流动站 博士后2011年11月至今 北京理工大学ld体育官网 教师
1. 深空自主导航、制导与控制2. 行星表面精确软着陆技术
1. XXXX探测技术集成验证系统,2012,部级二等奖,第4完成人社会兼职
1. 中国宇航学会会员;教学工作
指导研究生4名。主要讲授课程:1. 研究生《航天器自主导航技术原理》;
2. 研究生《航天器系统仿真与CAD》;
[1] Zhu Shengying, Ren Gaofeng, Cui Pingyuan and Luan Enjie. Uncertainty Analysis of Mars Entry Using Time-dependent Polynomial Chaos. The 62nd International Astronautical Congress. Cape Town, The Republic of South Africa, 2011[2] Zhu Shengying, Cui Pingyuan and Hu Haijing. Hazard Detection and Avoidance for Planetary Landing Based on Lyapunov Control Method. The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Beijing, China, 2012
[3] Zhu Shengying, Xu Rui, Wang Huan and Hu Haijing. Fast Matching of Feature Point and Relative Motion Estimation for Asteroid Landing Phase. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation. Hangzhou, China, 2013
[4] 朱圣英, 崔祜涛, 崔平远. 基于路标信息的小天体绕飞探测器自主光学导航方法研究. 电子学报. 38(9):2052-2058, 2010
[5] 朱圣英, 崔平远, 崔祜涛. 基于路标视线角的星际着陆器自主位姿确定技术. 航空学报. 31(2):318-326, 2010
[6] 朱圣英, 崔平远, 崔祜涛. 小天体高速撞击器视线制导律设计. 宇航学报. 31(2):373-379, 2010
[7] 朱圣英, 崔祜涛, 崔平远. 小天体撞击器GNC系统设计与仿真. 系统仿真学报. 23(1):89-94, 2011
[8] 朱圣英,常晓华,崔祜涛,崔平远. 基于视线矢量的深空自主导航算法研究. 空间科学学报. 31(4):534-540, 2011
[9] Qing tong, Zhu Shengying, Cui Pingyuan, Gao Ai. An Innovative Navigation Scheme of Powered Descent Phase for Mars Pinpoint Landing, Advances in Space Research, 2014.
[10] Zeng Qingyu, Zhu Shengying, Cui Pingyuan. Terrain Relative Navigation For Precise Planetary Landing. The 65th International Astronautical Congress. Canada, 2014
[11] Xiu Haning, Zhu Shengying, Cui Pingyuan. Deep Space Moving Target Detection Based on Technology of Image Matching. The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, May 31-June 2 2014, Changsha, China.
[12] Yu Zhengshi, Zhu Shengying, and Cui Pingyuan. Sequence Detection of Planetary Surface Craters from DEM Data. The 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. Beijing, China, 2012
[13] Xu Rui, Zhu Shengying, Gao Ai, and Xu Wenming. Maneuver Sequence Planning for Autonomous Navigation Based on Multiple Asteroid Images. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation. Hangzhou, China, 2013
[14] Xu Rui, Zhu Shengying. Relative Position and Attitude Determination for Robotic Mars Soft Landing using Multi-Point Laser Rangefinder. Advanced Materials Research. 381:118-122, 2012
[15] 于正湜, 朱圣英, 崔平远. 行星表面重叠及不完整陨石坑检测方法. 宇航学报. 34(3), 2013
[16] 任高峰, 朱圣英. 火星着陆任务落点误差快速分析方法. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 44(7):14-20, 2012