职 称:特别副研究员/预聘助理教授
邮 箱:lingzhou@bit.edu.cn
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邮 编:100081
Aerospace Science and Technology
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Acta Astronautica
[1] L. Zhou, R. Zhao*, W. Yuan, Application of improved k-ω-γ transition model to hypersonic complex configurations, AIAA Journal. (SCI) (accepted)
[2] R. Zhao, L. Zhou*, J. Ma, CFD design of ventilation system for large underground bus terminal in Macau Barrier Gate, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics. doi:10.1016/j.jweia.2018.05.010. (SCI)
[3] L. Zhou, R. Zhao, W. Yuan, An investigation of interface conditions inherent in detached-eddy simulation methods, Aerospace Science and Technology. 74 (2018) 46-55. doi: 10.1016/j.ast.2018.01.005. (SCI)
[4] L. Zhou, R. Zhao, R. Li, A combined criteria-based method for hypersonic three-dimensional boundary layer transition prediction, Aerospace Science and Technology. 73 (2018) 105–117. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2017.12.002. (SCI)
[5] L. Zhou, R. Zhao, X. Shi, An entropy-assisted shielding function in DDES formulation for the SST turbulence model, Entropy. 19 (2017) 93. doi:10.3390/e19030093. (SCI)
[6] L. Zhou, R. Li, Z. Hao, D.I. Zaripov, C. Yan, Improved k-ω-γ model for crossflow-induced transition prediction in hypersonic flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 115 (2017) 115–130. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.08.013. (SCI)
[7] L. Zhou, C. Yan, Z. Hao, R. Du, Improved k-ω-γ model for hypersonic boundary layer transition prediction, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 94 (2016) 380–389. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer. 2015.11.048. (SCI)
[8] 周玲, 阎超, 郝子辉, 孔维萱, 周禹, 转捩模式与转捩准则预测高超声速边界层流动, 航空学报. 37 (2016) 1092–1102. doi:10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0237. (EI)
[9] 周玲, 阎超, 孔维萱, 高超声速飞行器前体边界层强制转捩数值模拟, 航空学报. 35 (2014) 1487–1495. doi:10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0480. (EI)
[10] L. Zhou, R. Zhao, R. Li, C. Yan, W. Zheng, Modeling of hypersonic three-dimensional boundary layer transition using a criteria-based method, in: 21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, 2017. doi:10.2514/6.2017-2192. (EI)
[11] 周玲, 黄礼, 孔维萱, 郝子辉, 阎超, 高超声速边界层转捩准则预测方法研究综述, 高超声速技术国际动态. 4 (2016) 32–46.
[12] L. Zhou, C. Yan, Z. Hao, W. Kong, A “laminar + transition criteria” model for hypersonic three-dimensional boundary layer transition prediction, Applied Mechanics and Materials. 798 (2015) 627–631. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.798.627.
[13] 周玲, 阎超, 郝子辉, 两种工程转捩预测方法对高超声速横流转捩的预测性能研究, 中国力学大会, 2015.
[1] Z. Hao, C. Yan, Y. Qin, L. Zhou, Improved γ-Reθt model for heat transfer prediction of hypersonic boundary layer transition, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 107 (2017) 329–338. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.11.052.(SCI)
[2] Y. Qin, C. Yan, Z. Hao, L. Zhou, A laminar kinetic energy transition model appropriate for hypersonic flow heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 107 (2017) 1054–1064. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.11.012.(SCI)
[3] Z. Hao, C. Yan, L. Zhou, Y. Qin, Development of a boundary layer parameters identification method for transition prediction with complex grids, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 231 (2017) 2068–2084. doi:10.1177/0954410016660872.(SCI)
[4] R. Du, C. Yan, F. Qu, L. Zhou, Investigation of all-speed schemes for turbulent simulations with low-speed features, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. (2017). doi:10.1177/0954410016687141.(SCI)
[5] Z. Hao, C. Yan, Y. Qin, L. Zhou, Study of Hypersonic boundary layer transition with different Reynolds numbers, 7th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE), IEEE, (2016) 582–586. doi:10.1109/ICMAE.2016.7549607. (EI)
[6] 郝子辉, 阎超, 周玲, k-ω-γ模式对转捩影响因素的预测性能研究, 力学学报. 47 (2015) 215–222. doi:10.6052/0459-1879-14-294. (EI)